Joylong Electric Buses Now in Australia

Australian First – Electric Commuter Bus Nationwide Network

Australia’s first fully ADR compatible electric commuter bus is now represented across Australia by some of the biggest and most experienced bus specialist dealers in the country. Joylong’s electric commuter bus has drawn interest from key professionals in the national bus industry who recognise Joylong as an important stepping stone to an all-electric future.

The Joylong is the first to bring the latest EV technology, now commonly found in full-size buses to the huge small commuter sector.

Brisbane’s Bus Stop Sales is one of the largest bus dealers in Australia and claims a history going back over forty years. Importantly, the company not only sells buses but has a well-established reputation as a bus body builder. Its experience in the nitty-gritty of bus design and engineering speaks volumes about the quality of the Joylong build and expected driveline reliability.

Bus Stop Sales will not only be the primary dealer in Queensland from its Rocklea base, but will also sell and support the Joylong in Victoria through its operation in Legacy Road Epping.

The company made the decision to include Joylong in its portfolio of products due to the quality of fit and finish and an outstanding driving experience.

The huge New South Wales bus market is being addressed by the renowned Campbell brothers, Ian and Bruce, who have over 50 years experience in the Australian bus industry including de- signing, importing, building, distribution and sales. The Campbells will market the Joylong com- muter bus in NSW and the ACT.

The recommended retail price is $87,453. and depending which state the vehicle is purchased the drive away price will be close to $90,000. Each state has different rates of stamp duty and road registration fees and some states have concessions for Electric vehicles.

The price compares favourably with current diesel bus prices and combined with the dramatic reduction in running costs will ensure operators can maximise their produc- tivity with an early move into an electric future.